Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Grip Indy Films Under the Stars

I bet your wondering..  What is The Grip?  Well then let me tell you.  Its kinda like a drive-in with no cars.  We play movies you enjoy them, enough said.  Film makers need more places to show their films and that is why we created The Grip.  The Grip is one of the most unappreciated jobs in the movie industry, but one of most important.  That's how I feel about the scene for filmmakers in Bakersfield, CA.  There should be more support and more venues featuring local film makers. So with the help of Caffeine Supreme we have been able to show films for the last four weeks.  The thing that is so awesome about all this is we have had a really great turn out.  People coming out enjoying a movie on the grass for FREE.  The show starts at 8pm every Friday night at Caffeine Supreme on F and 20th.  So come on out and show your support.  Remember its FREE!

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