Ok we have gotten a lot of questions regarding our upcoming movie Wretched Flesh. I am going to try to keep you posted as much as possible. This video with an estimated run time of about 20 minutes will be about 2 men caught in a bunch of zombies. Which means the zombies have already been established so no lame back story just raw zombie action. I really can't reveal much more then that. We are working on a location, where the whole movie will be shot at. Right now we are just putting together a crew to film with some make-up artist and doing video tests. If you know of any other film companies forward them to this blog post please! Ok I am going to go through some of the FAQ:
Can I bring my kids?
Yeah that’s fine with me. I will warn you they will be in store for some gruesome, nasty bloody zombies. If you are coming down to be a zombie and your kids are with you, my advise is take someone with you that is not going to be wearing make-up (to help watch them). Trust me… If you have ever seen our movie skip? I filmed that in the kid's bathroom and when your 5 and daddy's in the bathtub with his face wrapped in saran wrap… It could ruin a childhood.
Will I be paid?
As much as I would love to pay you I really can't. We are funding all movie expenses by ourselves. We will be providing water at the shoot and maybe everyone can throw down on some pizza or something. This is also a great thing to put on your resume, if you are going to become a serious actor. We will also be putting this in film festivals around the usa and if we can over seas. Oh yeah it will be in BIFF. We can pay you with a hectic films sticker. Just email (hecticmail@hecticfilms.com) us your address and we will send it to you.
How do I sign up?
We have now started an official list so you can email us at hecticmail@hecticfilms.com with the word zombie in the subject. We will email you with the meeting date and a filming date. Also we have a few easy stunts for some of the zombies. If you are interested please let us know in your email. Also you don't just have to be a zombie. We need set design, lighting, camera crew and we really need people who know how to do make-up. So please include all that in your email. Also you will have to attend the meeting before the shoot. You don't have to stay. We just need to take your picture, get your name and have you sign a release form and give you a picture of the zombies. If you can't make it email us.
Ok if I am a Zombie what I'm going to do?
Well, that will be determined by your level of interest in stunts. Do you want to be shot? Do you want to be hit in the head? This isn't a normal zombie movie. Some of the zombies run and some don't. Also some are being tested and will stand out more. So its really up to you in a lot of shots on what you want to do. So be creative.
Make-up and Costume?
We will have make-up people there. I am not sure how many will show up. So what we will do is hand out pictures of what we want the zombies to look like. You can take it home and before the shoot apply your own make-up to look some what like the zombie. The only thing we care about is the skin being dark around the eyes, other than that its all up to you. Now if you want us to we can provide a costume. We will be taking sizes at the meeting and will email you when your costume is ready. If you want to do your own costume too that is fine with us. Just please let us know.
About the Release Form:
The release form is just saying that you won't sue Hectic Films and you know that you are not getting paid for acting. I will be posting the form on our website so you can print it and read it over.
When are we going to Film?
Hopefully the beginning of next month. After we have finished meeting with actors and crews we will set a date and give you a two week notice in advance. It will be during the day and probably on a weekend. But that all depends on the owner of the location.
Ok I hope that this answers most questions because we have been getting a ton of emails. If there is a question you want to ask, you can leave a comment on this blog or email us hecticmail@hecticfilms.com with zombie question as the subject title. Thank you so much everyone that has emailed us. This will be an awesome experience!
Film editors and Camera people:
We need your help! Please contact us @ hecticmail@hecticfilms.com with ZOMBIE in the subject title.
If you want to donate this is what will need:
Fake guns that look somewhat real
Paintball guns
Old Clothes (nothing with logos)
Fake arms and legs
Original Music (that you have created)
Make up
And Money.
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