Yes Yes. Hectic Films teamed up with local Rapper F-Teezy! And yes we shot a video for the local rapper. The song is Terror to the World. Check out these Pictures from the shoot!!!!
The video should be out by next month! Oh Yeah make sure to check out the F-Teezy myspace and add him as a friend!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Why is Your Tube Advocate hating on me?
Jason's Brother spotted a video that is, well, kinda mean? Some random fat guy about to lose his breath, as he talks crap about hectic films. What did we do to the YTA? We put time and effort into our videos! We don't just sit infront of a webcam and talk! No we make some cool movies faceless fat guy! I know they are just jealous but some people just make me mad!! Check out this video:
YTA if you read this, no offense, but your defeintly NOT getting a Christmas Card from us this year. We like making movies.
YTA if you read this, no offense, but your defeintly NOT getting a Christmas Card from us this year. We like making movies.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wretched Flesh Update
Hey there everyone,
We have been working extremely hard on Wretched Flesh to bring you the most awesome Bakersfield Zombie movie. We are trying are hardest to get this project wrapped up. Here is some behind the scenes footage:
DT's Digital Death Scene:
Behind the Scenes: Wretched Flesh 2
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The Giant Speaks about Freaks!
Behind the Scenes Wretched Flesh
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All this video was filmed by NL Belardes
We have been working extremely hard on Wretched Flesh to bring you the most awesome Bakersfield Zombie movie. We are trying are hardest to get this project wrapped up. Here is some behind the scenes footage:
DT's Digital Death Scene:
Behind the Scenes: Wretched Flesh 2
Add to My Profile | More Videos
The Giant Speaks about Freaks!
Behind the Scenes Wretched Flesh
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All this video was filmed by NL Belardes
Friday, May 11, 2007
Well the meeting at Rusty's went extremely well. We had a good turn out! Special thanks to the Bakersfield Roller Girls and Noveltown! Here are some pictures of the meeting:

Ok just to address some recent questions about the filming of Wretched Flesh:
Heck yes! We need as many zombies as we can get! We have one more class on Tuesday 15th at 6pm! Show up and learn the moves of a zombie! Our last class is at MAP to The Hectic Films Studio. And please don't worry if you can't make the classes just show up on May 20th at The Downtowner Inn. Please make sure to bring clothes that you can get dirty in!
Hectic Films Studio Address:
3899 Stockdale Hwy, Bakersfield, CA 93309
Right Behind Health Unlimited
Join Our Google Group and Get Updated on The Zombie Movie and get exclusive zombie videos!
Click here to check it out!
Heck Yes! We will have a lot of zombies so if you can bring an ice chest full of bottle water that would be great!

Ok just to address some recent questions about the filming of Wretched Flesh:
Heck yes! We need as many zombies as we can get! We have one more class on Tuesday 15th at 6pm! Show up and learn the moves of a zombie! Our last class is at MAP to The Hectic Films Studio. And please don't worry if you can't make the classes just show up on May 20th at The Downtowner Inn. Please make sure to bring clothes that you can get dirty in!
Hectic Films Studio Address:
3899 Stockdale Hwy, Bakersfield, CA 93309
Right Behind Health Unlimited
Join Our Google Group and Get Updated on The Zombie Movie and get exclusive zombie videos!
Click here to check it out!
Heck Yes! We will have a lot of zombies so if you can bring an ice chest full of bottle water that would be great!
Here are some Pictures From the Location were we are going to Shoot the Movie Wretched Flesh:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Zombie Cast Meeting is May 5th @ 2 pm!!!
We just want to say first off that we thank all of you who have responded to our zombie request! Especially the few from the Bakersfield roller girls! We are meeting may 5th at Rusty's pizza on Ming and ash (link is posted below). Drinks (not beer, sorry) will be on us, but if you want pizza you will have to buy that yourself. The meeting is to basically get your ideas and show you what we want your zombie character to look like. We will also be revealing the time and place that we are filming the Zombie Movie. Which will have to be changed since the 13th is Mother's day. So we will have to reschedule it to Sunday the 20th. So please join us for some zombie action!
Click here for Directions
Need work on your Zombie Moves?
Padgett Productions will hosting, at no cost, a Zombie Acting Class at the Hectic Films studio to practice the next two Tuesday nights May 8th and May 15th at 6:30pm. If you want to be in some good action/death shots PLEASE attend. We will be practicing head shots and body shots and fighting scenes! If you are interested in attending the Padgett Production acting class there will be sign ups available those two nights. Thanks again to Padgett Productions for helping us out! PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND TO BE IN THE MOVIE
Click Here for the Map to the Studio Right Behind the Herbal Shop on Stine road. The Hectic Films Van will be parked out front!
Shooting Time
We will shoot mid day for around 3-5 hours. You don't have to stay the whole time. You can leave and come back. Whatever time you have to donate we are extremely grateful for. Water will be provided and we are working on getting food for everyone also (If you have hot dogs or anything let us know) We will provide clothes, make-up and blood. If you have old clothes that you would like to tear up to make your own zombie costume… Go for it! If you need us to make your costume let us know at the meeting.
Spread the Word
Please repost this on your myspace or blog. Tell friends and family that you may think will be interested in playing dead! We need zombies and make-up people. You can also show them the videos below.
HOW TO STOP LICENSE PLATE THEFT - The best video clips are here
Contact Info
If you need a form email us @ with Zombie Form in the subject and we can send you one to fill out if you can't make the meeting.
For consant updates regarding the Zombie Movie check our Blog
If you wanna be emailed with all the Zombie Movie Pictures and Updates join our Google Group.
And if you have any questions or want additional information please email us @ with ZOMBIE in the subject.
Hectic Films
We just want to say first off that we thank all of you who have responded to our zombie request! Especially the few from the Bakersfield roller girls! We are meeting may 5th at Rusty's pizza on Ming and ash (link is posted below). Drinks (not beer, sorry) will be on us, but if you want pizza you will have to buy that yourself. The meeting is to basically get your ideas and show you what we want your zombie character to look like. We will also be revealing the time and place that we are filming the Zombie Movie. Which will have to be changed since the 13th is Mother's day. So we will have to reschedule it to Sunday the 20th. So please join us for some zombie action!
Click here for Directions
Need work on your Zombie Moves?
Padgett Productions will hosting, at no cost, a Zombie Acting Class at the Hectic Films studio to practice the next two Tuesday nights May 8th and May 15th at 6:30pm. If you want to be in some good action/death shots PLEASE attend. We will be practicing head shots and body shots and fighting scenes! If you are interested in attending the Padgett Production acting class there will be sign ups available those two nights. Thanks again to Padgett Productions for helping us out! PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND TO BE IN THE MOVIE
Click Here for the Map to the Studio Right Behind the Herbal Shop on Stine road. The Hectic Films Van will be parked out front!
Shooting Time
We will shoot mid day for around 3-5 hours. You don't have to stay the whole time. You can leave and come back. Whatever time you have to donate we are extremely grateful for. Water will be provided and we are working on getting food for everyone also (If you have hot dogs or anything let us know) We will provide clothes, make-up and blood. If you have old clothes that you would like to tear up to make your own zombie costume… Go for it! If you need us to make your costume let us know at the meeting.
Spread the Word
Please repost this on your myspace or blog. Tell friends and family that you may think will be interested in playing dead! We need zombies and make-up people. You can also show them the videos below.
HOW TO STOP LICENSE PLATE THEFT - The best video clips are here
Contact Info
If you need a form email us @ with Zombie Form in the subject and we can send you one to fill out if you can't make the meeting.
For consant updates regarding the Zombie Movie check our Blog
If you wanna be emailed with all the Zombie Movie Pictures and Updates join our Google Group.
And if you have any questions or want additional information please email us @ with ZOMBIE in the subject.
Hectic Films
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Yeah you heard it straight from the Hectic Films website. Sandra from the cubic hell 2 got slammed by a car coming up behind her. She says that she owes her life to her lucky hectic films sticker. Check out the pictures below:

Check out Sandra in this video:
The Cubic-Hell 2 "Printer Sharing" - The funniest videos clips are here

Check out Sandra in this video:
The Cubic-Hell 2 "Printer Sharing" - The funniest videos clips are here
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ok we have gotten a lot of questions regarding our upcoming movie Wretched Flesh. I am going to try to keep you posted as much as possible. This video with an estimated run time of about 20 minutes will be about 2 men caught in a bunch of zombies. Which means the zombies have already been established so no lame back story just raw zombie action. I really can't reveal much more then that. We are working on a location, where the whole movie will be shot at. Right now we are just putting together a crew to film with some make-up artist and doing video tests. If you know of any other film companies forward them to this blog post please! Ok I am going to go through some of the FAQ:
Can I bring my kids?
Yeah that’s fine with me. I will warn you they will be in store for some gruesome, nasty bloody zombies. If you are coming down to be a zombie and your kids are with you, my advise is take someone with you that is not going to be wearing make-up (to help watch them). Trust me… If you have ever seen our movie skip? I filmed that in the kid's bathroom and when your 5 and daddy's in the bathtub with his face wrapped in saran wrap… It could ruin a childhood.
Will I be paid?
As much as I would love to pay you I really can't. We are funding all movie expenses by ourselves. We will be providing water at the shoot and maybe everyone can throw down on some pizza or something. This is also a great thing to put on your resume, if you are going to become a serious actor. We will also be putting this in film festivals around the usa and if we can over seas. Oh yeah it will be in BIFF. We can pay you with a hectic films sticker. Just email ( us your address and we will send it to you.
How do I sign up?
We have now started an official list so you can email us at with the word zombie in the subject. We will email you with the meeting date and a filming date. Also we have a few easy stunts for some of the zombies. If you are interested please let us know in your email. Also you don't just have to be a zombie. We need set design, lighting, camera crew and we really need people who know how to do make-up. So please include all that in your email. Also you will have to attend the meeting before the shoot. You don't have to stay. We just need to take your picture, get your name and have you sign a release form and give you a picture of the zombies. If you can't make it email us.
Ok if I am a Zombie what I'm going to do?
Well, that will be determined by your level of interest in stunts. Do you want to be shot? Do you want to be hit in the head? This isn't a normal zombie movie. Some of the zombies run and some don't. Also some are being tested and will stand out more. So its really up to you in a lot of shots on what you want to do. So be creative.
Make-up and Costume?
We will have make-up people there. I am not sure how many will show up. So what we will do is hand out pictures of what we want the zombies to look like. You can take it home and before the shoot apply your own make-up to look some what like the zombie. The only thing we care about is the skin being dark around the eyes, other than that its all up to you. Now if you want us to we can provide a costume. We will be taking sizes at the meeting and will email you when your costume is ready. If you want to do your own costume too that is fine with us. Just please let us know.
About the Release Form:
The release form is just saying that you won't sue Hectic Films and you know that you are not getting paid for acting. I will be posting the form on our website so you can print it and read it over.
When are we going to Film?
Hopefully the beginning of next month. After we have finished meeting with actors and crews we will set a date and give you a two week notice in advance. It will be during the day and probably on a weekend. But that all depends on the owner of the location.
Ok I hope that this answers most questions because we have been getting a ton of emails. If there is a question you want to ask, you can leave a comment on this blog or email us with zombie question as the subject title. Thank you so much everyone that has emailed us. This will be an awesome experience!
Film editors and Camera people:
We need your help! Please contact us @ with ZOMBIE in the subject title.
If you want to donate this is what will need:
Fake guns that look somewhat real
Paintball guns
Old Clothes (nothing with logos)
Fake arms and legs
Original Music (that you have created)
Make up
And Money.
Filming Dark at the Roots

Hi Everyone!
I know that you have already probably looked at these lame pics on Nick's Blog, but these pictures were from the Hectic Films camera, WORD! Well some of you may be thinking after you watch the video… WTF? I said the same thing when NL Belardes and Jim Padgett were in Melinda's bed with no shoes on…..Mental picture… Oh no… Anyway we made this video for NL to promote a famous writer. I didn't care what we filmed really.. Seeing Big Jim and the twins in the dress was enough for me. Ok. Well watch the video decide for yourself.
Thanks For Watching!
Dark At The Roots - For more funny videos, click here

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Well we just wanna say thanks to the 3 people the faced the rain and storm to protest about nothing at all. If you read on our bakotopia event we had a protest the beginning of this week in the rain. The one day that it rains.... Oh well.. We will try to protest once a month so stay tuned! Check out these pictures.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Well this time it is for real! The pointless protest is taking place on stockdale and California at 5:15pm March 5th! We if you can't make it leave us a comment about what you would put on your sign. For example:
Guns should be all colors of the rainbow
American Idol is Fake
Bumber stickers are stupid
You can protest anything you want. What is it that you are tired of or just think its funny. Check out more videos at
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Bakersfield Underground News Syndicate UPDATE
Hey Everyone,
We hope you have been enjoying our Bakersfield Underground News Syndicate (BUNS) videos. We have been working on a few projects lately. One including a new website and the other unleashing what we like to call a youtube for Bakersfield. We will be uploading the finished project soon. Also we wanted to let everyone know that we want to start previewing bands on our BUNS videos. All you will need to preview a track on our show would be a cd and you would have to show up to our studio Tuesday nights at 8 pm. Also if you have something you would like to promote or be interviewed about log on to our forum @ . It is totally free and is an easy way to say on top of what is going down in Bakersfield and on the show. We will also be listing secret interviews and special videos that will only be listed on the forum. We have also interviewed AS Ashley about the Newest issue of the Random Times and about the status on the paper. This is a pretty good interview filled with a lot of unanswered questions about the Random Times. We look forward to interviewing more people in Bakersfield so if you are interested log on to the forum. So get ready for a new BUNS video that will be airing on our website Friday Mornings. Thanks For watching!
We hope you have been enjoying our Bakersfield Underground News Syndicate (BUNS) videos. We have been working on a few projects lately. One including a new website and the other unleashing what we like to call a youtube for Bakersfield. We will be uploading the finished project soon. Also we wanted to let everyone know that we want to start previewing bands on our BUNS videos. All you will need to preview a track on our show would be a cd and you would have to show up to our studio Tuesday nights at 8 pm. Also if you have something you would like to promote or be interviewed about log on to our forum @ . It is totally free and is an easy way to say on top of what is going down in Bakersfield and on the show. We will also be listing secret interviews and special videos that will only be listed on the forum. We have also interviewed AS Ashley about the Newest issue of the Random Times and about the status on the paper. This is a pretty good interview filled with a lot of unanswered questions about the Random Times. We look forward to interviewing more people in Bakersfield so if you are interested log on to the forum. So get ready for a new BUNS video that will be airing on our website Friday Mornings. Thanks For watching!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
SKIP Gets Bad Reviews?
Some harsh comments from viewers on Why.. Skip of all videos.. One of our favorite videos getting slammed by meta cafe critics.. I say screw that! What the hell? Why is everyone picking on me? Well if you are a fan of the Video Skip Help us out! Join on the website and leave us some good comments and positive reviews! Double click on the video to check it out!
SKIP - video powered by Metacafe
Here are some of the comments:
crap crap crap..
replyby generalfailure, 11th, January
Tough Crowd
Geez come on thats pretty harsh?
replyby hecticfilms, 11th, January
replyby Zakkariacha, 11th, January
What do you mean you got to be kidding me? And what does ROTFLMA mean??
replyby hecticfilms, 11th
SKIP - video powered by Metacafe
Here are some of the comments:
crap crap crap..
replyby generalfailure, 11th, January
Tough Crowd
Geez come on thats pretty harsh?
replyby hecticfilms, 11th, January
replyby Zakkariacha, 11th, January
What do you mean you got to be kidding me? And what does ROTFLMA mean??
replyby hecticfilms, 11th
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